"If we could give every individual the right amount of
nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much,
we would have found the safest way to health".
Yoga and Mindfulness
By working with other people, we learn a lot about ourselves and develop important social skills. By doing yoga poses together, we learn the importance of touch, how to be gentle and kind, we learn acceptance and compassion, how to be respectful and trusting, and how to connect, communicate, and cooperate. Children can be introduced to breathing for relaxation at a very young age, and use it to improve concentration, promote well-being, and decrease stress, anxiety, and anger - all very important skills that teach children how to self-regulate and self-soothe. This is an easy way to actively involve and empower children in creating their own stress free lives. Parents and children BOTH will benefit from the added calmness arrived at through yoga!
Through the Akesia Whole Child Yoga Academy, certified, registered, and licensed through the Yoga Alliance, we run ongoing Teacher Training Programs, and work with a cadre of teachers from around the world to spread the work and benefits of yoga for children. For more information, please visit our Training and Resources page.
Through the Akesia Whole Child Yoga Academy, certified, registered, and licensed through the Yoga Alliance, we run ongoing Teacher Training Programs, and work with a cadre of teachers from around the world to spread the work and benefits of yoga for children. For more information, please visit our Training and Resources page.
Zumba, World Dance and Music
In addition to being a fun and healthy exercise option for adults, there are many benefits of Zumba® for kids. These include teaching children to lead active lives, combating childhood obesity, teaching body coordination, helping youngsters to develop healthy friendships with other kids, and encouraging kids to explore the world of dance and fitness while also learning about world cultures. Zumba® also allows parents and kids to share fun together.
In gymnastics, the timid child is challenged to try new skills and push their own comfort envelope. They learn that sometimes its good to push themselves and that anything is attainable when they rise to a challenge. Gymnastics and/or developmental sports are a great way for children to develop skills, confidence and mental strengths.
Pony Rides
The kids absolutely love the pony rides! We encourage more exposure to horses as there are enumerable benefits in young ones' lives. To name just a few, riders develop coordination, balance, fine motor skills, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and can improve posture and cardiovascular health. Not to mention confidence - riding, caring for and learning on horses that are 10x a child's size is incredibly empowering!